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Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Treatments

 What no guy wants to talk about

Let’s call it the elephant in the bedroom. Something isn’t working right and you need to fix it.

If you’ve experienced erectile dysfunction (ED), you probably asked yourself two critical questions: “Is ED permanent?” and “Can this problem be fixed?”

It’s a difficult topic to discuss, but ED isn’t uncommon. In fact, it’s the most common sexual problem for men. It affects an estimated 30 million American men, according to the Urology Care Foundation. Making lifestyle changes can help improve your ED, but there are some factors you’ll have to talk to your doctor about.

Learn the causes of ED, also known as impotence, and how you can stop it.

For some people, sex isn’t as enjoyable as it could be. Depression, stress, fatigue, and sleep disorders can contribute to ED by disrupting feelings of sexual excitement in the brain, according to Mayo Clinic. While sex can be a stress reliever, ED can make sex a stressful chore.

Relationship problems can also contribute to ED. Arguments and bad communication can make the bedroom an uncomfortable place. This is why it’s important for couples to communicate openly and honestly with each other.

Now’s the time to finally quit smoking or cut down on your drinking if you’re looking for a treatment for ED. Tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption, and other substance abuse all tend to constrict blood vessels, reports the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse. This can lead to or worsen ED.

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